I am 45 years old certified Faster EFT and Eutaptics practitioner/healer. I am experienced in different healing modalities like homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture, nutrition, etc. I have always wanted to be a therapist. From when I was 18 years old. Fate brought me to study at a business university. But the mind healing has always ignited a tiny spark in my heart. I wanted to help people. listen to their problem and resolve it. I could always listen to people for hours, telling me their problems, and struggles.
I could feel people, and where their problems come from. I could easily tell if their childhood was full of love or empty. I had that sense. I could always ask the right question so people would open up and share with me their pain. I have that gift. I needed something that I could use to get rid of their pain.
When I was 18 yo I went to India and studied homeopathy and its impact on the mind. I also studied yoga and other modalities. I tried new techniques that could heal trauma in our brains. I tried many of them personally. Finally, 8 years ago I came across EFT and Faster EFT. And I have decided to become certified.
So becoming a certified Faster EFT healer made my dreams true.
I have been using regular EFT for a few years, then I found out about Faster EFT and never turned back.
I have over 150 hours with clients. I specialize in pain management, mental disorders, weight loss, relationship problems, and more…
Usually, I do sessions over Skype or Zoom, because it is very relaxing for the client, who can stay in their own home and have a session.
During a session it is all about you, we focus on your problems and try to fix them.
There is no limit to what Faster EFT / Eutaptics can do.
You might want to read more about Faster EFT and Eutaptics differences here.
Here is my certificate from Robert Smith, founder of Faster EFT. I got certified in Faster EFT in 2014.
And here is a certification for Eutaptics, which is improved Faster EFT. I got certified again in 2020 in EUTAPTICS.

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