Over Prescribed Antidepressants and Eutaptics Faster EFT
As an Eutaptics stress expert, I can say the following. Meds like antidepressants are widely prescribed for all kinds of mental problems or the problems we have been diagnosed.
I am personally against these drugs. But many people ask me: How to get off these psychiatric drugs.
The rule in Eutaptics and Faster EFT tapping is that we always recommend clients to talk with their doctors if they want to stop taking antidepressants for example.
I am not allowed to encourage clients to stop taking the meds.
What I do best is work on the memories that contribute to the problem, like for example depression.
It is all about the mind. Human beings have special skills in how to create problems from their past experiences, beliefs, etc. Some people want to dwell on problems, some just shrug it off.
Well, guess which group suffers more? Yes, the one who likes to dwell on problems.
It is also very true that not all people had a great childhood. So our brain protects us and pushes all traumatic events into subconsciousness.
That is how the problems get created. Our brain tries to help us survive and even though there is no reason to keep us reminding of our past traumas because we grow up and we do not live with the same people anymore who caused our traumas, the brain keeps reminding us of WHAT IF…..
This is where I as a Eutaptics practitioner can help.

From my experience when there is no pain anymore, there is no need for antidepressants.
After we clear the major traumatic events so they do not bother us anymore, also the need for taking any pills stops. If the doctor is very old fashioned and does not agree with you when you feel better and you want to stop taking antidepressants, well there are always other doctors, who might have a different approach.
I worked with few people where I addressed their traumas and they stopped taking them. But you need to work with your doctor and he will help you get off. If not get another doctor.
I can help you with memories that build the depression, we can change those memories and see what your depression does.
Clients tell me: “ I have depression”. I always ask, where is it? In your home, pocket, etc. Can you show it to me? BTW no test in the world will show if your brain is chemically imbalanced. Even regular doctors always make fun of psychiatrists, and mock them, because they cant prove depression with a lab test.
Depression is a sales pitch created by pharma companies. There is no test out there to prove it.
Again I work with memories that support this pharma mind condition called depression. After those memories are gone, they will not support this condition anymore.
It is easy to prove this. If you feel depressed there is one question you might ask yourself.
How do I know I am being depressed?
As a practitioner I would ask you more questions of course but just as a test you will get an answer. It can be something like: “I am depressed because ………. I am depressed because he/she did that to me… I am depressed because growing up this happened to me….”
It is much more complex as that, but that is a basic theory. With me, we will look into your mind and find the reason you feel that way and fix those memories.
You see we work on these memories and beliefs and erase them, so they have no more power over you.
That is how you get off antidepressants.
Pharma Industry and their drugs
THere are more and more diagnosis created by pharma industry. We are being labeled abnormal all the time. If you are not depressed you are anxious, you are paranoid, you have OCD etc.
At the same time pharma community that gives disorders are not good at fixing disorders. People do not get cured by taking antidepressants. They are stuck with them for the most of their life. That is the sad part.
Disorders are things that everybody does but the person with the disorder just does it better. They might have more proofs that support their sadness / depression.
From my experience, it can take only one time, that our parents had a bad day and lashed out on us when we were very young. They could be great 1000 other times. But that time created that big imprint in our brain, that big trauma and we forgot that other 1000 times they were nice to us and loved us.
Our subconsciousness is called an intelligent idiot because it is an automatic process that serves us with all the bad stuff that happened to us to be safe. And in most cases, we do not need that. We are grown up and we do not need constant alerts in our mind to survive.
This is what we do with Eutaptics. We fix those memories to create balance in your life.
Once the client figures out how to have the disorder they can take on the disorder ourselves or dismantle the disorder. Once you figure it out how our brain works, we will be better prepared for the problems in our future.