Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
How to fix this phobia with Faster EFT
Remember, instead of X, put your problem, it can be sadness, depression, event, pain, abundance, procrastination, detailed trauma…. 1. How do you know you have X? This helps the faster eft practitioner or you personally, if you work on your self get more details about the problem you want to get rid of. Usually…
Here is the quick procedure on how to do faster eft, this is really simplified version.
One of my favorite shows is Intervention on A&E channel. It is just amazing show. Seeing all those poor people hooked on drugs. Usually, most of them went through something bad. Usually, they have been raped, sexually molested. Not only girls, but also boys. That left them with awfully traumatic memories. After the sexual abuse,…
The Difference between Faster EFT and Eutaptics I underwent training for both Faster EFT and Eutaptics, and I am certified in both. I became certified in Faster EFT 5 years ago and completed Level III, after which I started practicing as a Faster EFT practitioner. However, Robert Smith, the inventor of Faster EFT, decided to…
Memory is an event in our life that left a permanent trace in our brain. To change the memory we need to understand how our brain works. Our brain is comprised of single units called neurons. Neurons are like any cells in our bodies only that they have these antennas that are used to communicate…
TAP IT UP TAP IT DOWN Eutaptics techniques is used on beliefs. For example: I am stupid I am unsuccessful I am a looser I don’t achieve anything I quit all the time First, we make a statement as I will never have enough money. Close your eyes Feel into yourself tell yourself you will…