Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
How to fix this phobia with Faster EFT
Comparison between psychiatry and Faster EFT
Many people have decided to become faster eft practitioners after they had experienced how powerful faster eft really is. You can do faster eft training in two ways. First, you can go to seminars and get training there. The second option is to study at home and become a certified practitioner. I am selling my…
Learn what is faster eft, how to use it, when to use, how it works….
From my experience, it is the negative belief. I am talking about thoughts and beliefs like these: it will never work I am too messed up nothing worked before it all comes back pain will come back pain can’t just disappear; I had it for years this is not working for me I tried EFT,…
Here is the quick procedure on how to do faster eft, this is really simplified version.
One of my favorite shows is Intervention on A&E channel. It is just amazing show. Seeing all those poor people hooked on drugs. Usually, most of them went through something bad. Usually, they have been raped, sexually molested. Not only girls, but also boys. That left them with awfully traumatic memories. After the sexual abuse,…