Faster EFT vs EFT
My comparison between these two great techniques of healing
Learn what is faster eft, how to use it, when to use, how it works….
Faster EFT is an effective method for overcoming phobias and negative emotions. The technique involves tapping on specific points on the body, using a mantra, and visualizing a peaceful place. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in Faster EFT for phobias and how to use the technique to overcome phobias of cats,…
This is the issue that many people come across. And I will try to explain why. You see we are ruled by our emotions, beliefs, conscious and unconscious mind. From my experience faster eft / eutaptics works on every person. I was able to clear the memory in each of my clients. Here is a…
During the faster eft eutaptics session, you will be frequently asked to measure the intensity of the emotion, pain, etc from 0-10. For some people, it is very easy to do that, for some not so much. So I am attaching this image to explain to you better how to use the scale from 0-10….
I am telling you this from my experience. When I started tapping few years back I was clueless how to do it on my own. Today, I can say I mastered it. So what I meant by that? When I first started I tapped by looking at YouTube videos of Robert doing Faster EFT. I…
We can definitely use Eutaptics Faster EFT for dating purposes. This means if a person is single, he/she can use faster EFT for attracting the new partner in their lives. That means that with faster EFT tapping, we can get rid off all negative beliefs about dating, not having girlfriend/boyfriend, past experiences regarding dating, worse…