Faster EFT vs EFT
My comparison between these two great techniques of healing
I am telling you this from my experience. When I started tapping few years back I was clueless how to do it on my own. Today, I can say I mastered it. So what I meant by that? When I first started I tapped by looking at YouTube videos of Robert doing Faster EFT. I…
Here is the quick procedure on how to do faster eft, this is really simplified version.
One of my favorite shows is Intervention on A&E channel. It is just amazing show. Seeing all those poor people hooked on drugs. Usually, most of them went through something bad. Usually, they have been raped, sexually molested. Not only girls, but also boys. That left them with awfully traumatic memories. After the sexual abuse,…
We can definitely use Eutaptics Faster EFT for dating purposes. This means if a person is single, he/she can use faster EFT for attracting the new partner in their lives. That means that with faster EFT tapping, we can get rid off all negative beliefs about dating, not having girlfriend/boyfriend, past experiences regarding dating, worse…
Healing Abusive Relationships with Faster EFT / Eutaptics Introduction Abusive relationships can inflict deep emotional scars that linger long after the physical wounds have healed. Survivors often find themselves trapped in a cycle of pain, resentment, and fear, making it difficult to move forward in life. Fortunately, there are powerful techniques like Faster EFT /…