Persistent Tapping Is The Key
With Faster Eft, we permanently cure people. However, it is not easy. It usually does not happen in 1 session, if the person has a lot of emotional baggage. Imagine a person having years of abuse and those memories haunting him or her all the time.
Those traumatic memories are fully lodged inside the unconscious brain. Only a small piece is sticking out, and that is what bothers us. Over the years, the unconscious brain is fully loaded with too many memories. There is no room. It is telling us ” There is no room, we need to tidy this place up.” So many bad memories start poking out and bother us. However, we protect ourselves and do not let these memories come out. We experienced them as child, and for sure they might kill us because we were too fragile and weak as a child. A strong memory raises blood pressure, hormones, adrenaline etc….and that is why our brain saves us. It neatly stores these memories under the rug. For safe keeping.
So we need to process all these memories in full. It happens to me all the time. I tap on a hidden memory, that is deeply buried and then suddenly like a cloud it flows to the surface. And I know wow, that is it. It is gone. And I get a complete relief.
Here is a superb video of a woman who was trapped in her home for years, She tries everything. I mean everything. Even EFT. Nothing worked.
And she said she tapped for 7 days straight. Now she left the home for the first time in years.
What a great testimonial.
If you do not work with a client regularly, you need to tap all the time. Tap for hours, days until it is gone. The persistency is the key here. That is the truth. Because our brain has some great defenses. I am talking something like hundreds of “walls of China.” And Faster EFT breaks through these barriers.
Many people order one session, which is not enough if they have a lot of problems and can barely function.
I teach them how to do it and I recommend a session every other week at least for few months.
That is where the real progress is really made.