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I have been tapping every day some for nearly a year with what seems to me like not much success, and I just found your information yesterday, and it is very helpful to me. So, thank you SO much for all that you are offering in this information and with your practice. When I can afford Skype (this is no mine, but my dad’s computer) and have some money, I would definitely like to have tapping sessions with you. Best wishes, Peace, J
Sure, anytime. When you feel ready.
Oh, I just wanted to indicate too that I am basically housebound (social anxiety) , although my dad sometimes has taken me to and pays for a dentist (which I have a big charge about going and have basically sworn off ever going again and have not been to a dentist for nearly a year, even though my teeth hurt a lot and, I am sorry to say, are not in good shape) live in Alpine, Texas, and my phone number (my dad gave it to me) is 214-205-4767. Peace, J
do you eat sweets a lot? If you avoid sugar, that should fix stop your cavities. Also try brushing with baking soda and peroxide mix…
I basically just eat what my mom brings over (I live in my Parents’ little house in the back yard), but, yes, she brings over lots of sweets, and I have asked her to please stop feeding me all the sugar. However, she will get upset at any criticism I have of whatever she feeds me (I have lots of shame, about most everything), so I sometimes just secretly throw out the sweets or crumble them up and feed them to the birds in the back yard. The baking soda and peroxide . . . I can certainly try that, thanks.